Title: "Joyful News", audio New Testamet in modern translation by V.N. Kuznetsova
Format | Quality: mp3 | 64 Kbps
Number of files: 260 mp3 files in one RAR archive
Archive size: 546 Mb
"Joyful news" - one of the modern translations of the New Testament into Russian language, that is considered the best by many. Translation have been done by a Greek scholar, Valentina Kuznetsova, and it is of a very fine quality. As a result, this is the only modern translation Russian New Testament, that is being currently published and distributed by Russian Bible Society. Masculine voice. Professional recording.
DOWNLOAD (RAR, 260 mp3 files, 546 Mb)
Great Post. thanks for this information.
ReplyDeleteslovenian website translation